Heritage, Sustainability, and Harmony : for MAZARIN, these three basic values take on their full meaning thanks to a daring creative approach, favouring resources that are as precious as they are respectful towards the planet. Our values embodied in collections in which each gem combines a dream with elegance and expertise, as part of the great jewellery tradition. Mazarin owes its name to an incredible collection of 18 exceptional diamonds assembled in the 17th century by Cardinal Mazarin, a great lover of art and godfather and later chief minister to Louis XIV.
Heritage, Sustainability, and Harmony : for MAZARIN, these three basic values take on their full meaning thanks to a daring creative approach, favouring resources that are as precious as they are respectful towards the planet.

Our values embodied in collections in which each gem combines a dream with elegance and expertise, as part of the great jewellery tradition. Mazarin owes its name to an incredible collection of 18 exceptional diamonds assembled in the 17th century by Cardinal Mazarin, a great lover of art and godfather and later chief minister to Louis XIV.

For Mazarin, eternity is a belief in jewellery’s promise today, and a pledge to help pioneer and preserve its future. As creators, gemologists and jewellery historians, we know that natural resources are dramatically dwindling, and too many sourcing methods remain unacceptable. It’s why we select only precious and environmentally respectful 21st century resources: lab-grown diamonds and recycled gold. We believe that jewellery can and must become more ethical if it is to carry on the dream to eternity. And it starts here, in this with moment, with our creations. Eternity starts now.
For Mazarin, eternity is a belief in jewellery’s promise today, and a pledge to help pioneer and preserve its future. As creators, gemologists and jewellery historians, we know that natural resources are dramatically dwindling, and too many sourcing methods remain unacceptable. It’s why we select only precious and environmentally respectful 21st century resources: lab-grown diamonds and recycled gold. We believe that jewellery can and must become more ethical if it is to carry on the dream to eternity. And it starts here, in this with moment, with our creations. Eternity starts now.

A symbol of power and of temperance in the West, of strength and power in Africa, of knowledge and wisdom in Hindu mythology, and of vigour and intelligence in China, the elephant is present in all cultures. In all its potency and fragility, MAZARIN has made the elephant our totem.
A symbol of power and of temperance in the West, of strength and power in Africa, of knowledge and wisdom in Hindu mythology, and of vigour and intelligence in China, the elephant is present in all cultures.
In all its potency and fragility, MAZARIN has made the elephant our totem.

The founders
Louise de Rothschild and Keagan Ramsamy met when they joined the Pierre Bergé & Associés auction house. Sharing a passion for gemmology and the history of jewellery, their bond as friends was also nurtured by their complementary natures and backgrounds – including their respective cultures, between the West and the East, which creates balance in their fruitful exchanges. The very point that led them to found Mazarin.

The founders
Louise de Rothschild and Keagan Ramsamy met when they joined the Pierre Bergé & Associés auction house. Sharing a passion for gemmology and the history of jewellery, their bond as friends was also nurtured by their complementary natures and backgrounds – including their respective cultures, between the West and the East, which creates balance in their fruitful exchanges. The very point that led them to found Mazarin.
MAZARIN’s collections use only recycled gold, from previously appraised objects, which is then melted down into pure gold ingots of 24 carats. This choice contributes actively to the protection of the planet. This is because it means limiting gold mining, which has a great ecological impact, thus acting against its consequences, which are particularly harmful for the environment and for biodiversity.
MAZARIN’s collections use only recycled gold, from previously appraised objects, which is then melted down into pure gold ingots of 24 carats.
This choice contributes actively to the protection of the planet. This is because it means limiting gold mining, which has a great ecological impact, thus acting against its consequences, which are particularly harmful for the environment and for biodiversity.

our diamonds
MAZARIN’s collections use only laboratory-grown diamonds. To the naked eye, or under a microscope, nothing distinguishes them from mined diamonds: they have strictly the same properties.

our diamonds
MAZARIN’s collections use only laboratory-grown diamonds. To the naked eye, or under a microscope, nothing distinguishes them from mined diamonds: they have strictly the same properties. The sole difference is their origin: a lab-grown diamond comes from a complex technological process reproducing the extreme temperatures and pressures which, tens of millions of years ago, gave birth to mined diamonds in the midst of the Earth.
The sole difference is their origin: a lab-grown diamond comes from a complex technological process reproducing the extreme temperatures and pressures which, tens of millions of years ago, gave birth to mined diamonds in the midst of the Earth.
Un diamant développé en laboratoire possède les mêmes propriétés chimiques, physiques et optiques qu’un diamant de mine et, par conséquent, les mêmes qualités de pureté et de couleur. Les pierres sélectionnées par MAZARIN sont choisies parmi les meilleures combinaisons des quatre critères qui déterminent la valeur d’un diamant, appelés les 4 C : sa couleur (color), sa pureté (clarity), sa taille (cut) et son poids en carats.
la couleurPlus un diamant est blanc, plus il est rare et donc précieux. L’échelle d’évaluation internationale commence à D pour qualifier le diamant le plus pur et suit l’ordre alphabétique jusqu’à Z pour le diamant le plus coloré. Les diamants des collections MAZARIN appartiennent essentiellement aux catégories D, E et F.
la puretéElle est déterminée par le nombre, la taille, la nature et la position des imperfections qui, à l’intérieur ou à la surface de la pierre, agissent sur le passage de la lumière. Le système international la mesure en six catégories principales : FL (aucun défaut), IF (aucun défaut visible), VVS (très très petites inclusions), VS (très petites inclusions), SI (petites inclusions) et I (inclusions visibles à l’œil nu). Les diamants des collections Mazarin appartiennent essentiellement aux catégories VVS.
la tailleElle est choisie de façon à décupler la brillance de la pierre en taillant chaque facette avec une précision extrême. Pour chaque diamant, Mazarin recherche la taille dont les proportions, la symétrie et le poli lui donneront le plus de brillance, privilégiant notamment les tailles poire, émeraude et brillant.
le caratC’est l’unité de mesure du diamant, soit 0,2 grammes pour 1 carat. La valeur de la pierre varie en fonction de son caratage, mais aussi de sa rareté.
French Savoir-Faire
French Savoir-Faire
MAZARIN’s collections come to life near the Place Vendôme, at the heart of the Maison’s workshops. Designs and prototypes precede all gold work (casting, sculpting, polishing, sandblasting). The final gesture is gem-setting, selected according to each creation: from masse-set “en bec d’aigle” to lodge a diamond in the folds of sculpted gold, to claw-set to heighten the flames of a solitaire and pave-set to illuminate the surface.
MAZARIN’s collections come to life near the Place Vendôme, at the heart of the Maison’s workshops. Designs and prototypes precede all gold work (casting, sculpting, polishing, sandblasting). The final gesture is gem-setting, selected according to each creation: from masse-set “en bec d’aigle” to lodge a diamond in the folds of sculpted gold, to claw-set to heighten the flames of a solitaire and pave-set to illuminate the surface.