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+33 7 86 72 17 23
+33 1 76 21 87 70


Our team is at your disposal for any further information. choose your contact method below.

Salon Mazarin

Salon Mazarin

Our salon is located in 34 Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, Paris 8th arrondissement.
Bright and intimate, the space gives you time to discover, try, and choose jewelry with us.
This is also a place to imagine custom jewelry before it becomes a reality.

Schedule a visit.
Monday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm.
34 Rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, Paris 8th.

Book Appointment

T. 01 76 21 87 70

E. contact@mazarin.fr

White Bird

White Bird

Découvrez notre collection soigneusement sélectionnée au sein de la boutique White Bird, un lieu idéal pour prendre le temps d'essayer nos créations.

62 rue Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris

Découvrir la collection Mazarin


Moda Operandi


Moda Operandi

Our iconic models are available on Moda Operandi, the online luxury reference.

Shipping possible worldwide.

Discover the Mazarin collection